![]() | Covers basic and/or clinical research related to diabetes, metabolism and/or obesity | |
Submission deadline: Monday, December 9th, 5 PM CT |
An individual must be a member of the Vanderbilt or Meharry faculty (Instructor or above) and must fit within NIH Guidelines for eligibility. VDRC P&F grants, providing up to $45,000/year for 1-2 years, are intended to provide support for studies that allow an investigator to develop preliminary data sufficient to prepare an application for independent research support through conventional granting mechanisms. P&F support is targeted to any investigator, new or established, from other fields willing to bring their research expertise to diabetes-relevant research, for investigators currently in the diabetes area whose proposed research would constitute a totally new direction, and for clinical and basic researchers who propose a joint research project. An investigator is eligible for VDRC P&F support only once.
Examples of research eligible for P&F funding:
- A study proposed by a new investigator with an interest in a career in diabetes or obesity-related research, before he/she/they have developed the project to the point of being able to obtain external, independent grant support
- A study proposed by an established investigator who has research experience in other areas and wants to test ideas related to diabetes or obesity
- A study proposed by an established investigator in diabetes or obesity who wants to pursue a question in a substantially different area from his/her/their current research, or who wishes to bring new technology to his/her/their research program
- A study proposed between clinical and basic investigators (new or established) to test a question of translational relevance to diabetes or obesity
The application should be submitted on the NIH form PHS 398 and requires the following components:
- Face page
- Abstract
- Key personnel
- Biosketch(es)
- Resources
- Research description (5 page limit)
- Literature cited
- Letters of collaboration or support
- Cover letter which includes the names, institutions, and email addresses of two internal reviewers and two external reviewers who are not members of your department or collaborators
Note: No budget pages are needed until an award is made. It is NOT necessary for the application to go through the Office of Research prior to submission.
The application must be assembled into a single PDF document that contains all grant materials and letters of collaboration. Research track faculty MUST include a letter from his/her/their laboratory director or departmental chair describing how this award will serve in developing an independent research program and external research funding.
Proposed P&F studies should present a testable hypothesis and clearly delineate the question being asked, detail procedures to be followed, and discuss how the data will be analyzed and lead to future studies.
Grants receive both internal and external review. Emphasis is placed on how the research might lead to new research ideas or research funding. For junior investigators, additional considerations include how this award will impact your career and the potential of the applicant to compete for independent research funding in the future.
Funded investigators will be asked to prepare a yearly progress report and participate in the VDRC Seminar Series and Diabetes Day Program.
Persons considering submitting a proposal and not certain of eligibility or persons with questions about Pilot and Feasibility grants should contact Dr. Sheila Collins (sheila.collins@vumc.org). For questions about the grant submission process, please contact Jessica Kimber (jessica.kimber@vumc.org).